
Cause And Effect Essay Writing Help

The word Essay is defined as a literary composition on any subject. Properly speaking, it is a written composition giving expression to ones own personal ideas or opinions on same topic. It should be good to remember that the word essay means, literally, an attempt. The essays you write at school are trial exercises or attempts to express your thoughts in good English. Now, what are the points we should keep in mind for writing a good essay?1) Unity-An essay must be a unity, developing one theme with a definite purpose. The subject must be clearly defined in the mind and kept in view throughout. Nothing that is not relevant to it should be admitted to the essay.To it should be admitted to the essay.2) Order-The essay should follow a certain ordered line of thought and come to a definite conclusion. It should not consist of haphazard reflections put down anyhow. There should be not only unity of subject but also unity of treatment. Hence there is the necessity for thinking out a line of thought before beginning to write.3) Style-the style of an essay should be dignified and literary. Slang, colloquial terms needed to be avoided in an essay. At the same time it is a mistake to make an essay an attempt of any fancy writing. The language and sentence construction should be simple, direct and natural. The secret of clear essay writing help is definitely clear thinking.4) The Personal Touch-An essay should reveal the personal feelings and opinions of the writer. It should have its individuality in it. Strictly speaking, help writing an essay is a composition giving expression to ones personal ideas or opinions on a subject. If this personal touch is lost, the essay would appear to be colorless and devoid of any individuality.To sum up, an essay must be a unity, treating in an orderly manner of one subject; it should be concisely written and not too long, and the style should be simple, direct and clear; and it should have individuality, or reflect the personal touch of the writer.Three features necessary in a good essay are-1) suitable subject matter,2) proper arrangement and 3) adequate power of expression. Point 3 is applicable to most forms of writing like writing short stories, reviews, and reports.Article Source: articlesnatchAbout the Author:Lisa Logan is a professional Educational Consultant and helping the students to accomplish their educational projects essay writing help since many years. She got a vast experience in her field and is ready to help students with her skills and knowledge.Tags: essay , essay help , essay topics , essay writing , custom essay

Telecom Acronyms Explained

There is no other industry I have seen, including the military, that uses acronyms as much as the telecom industry. Something that seems as simple as picking up the handset, dialing a number and getting someone on the other end can be rendered totally confusing by acronyms when talking about how it all takes place and the equipment needed. This tends to cause people to shy away from dealing with their system and why a lot of companies still have equipment that should be upgraded or replaced. As long as they still get that dial tone and can make and receive calls it is easier to avoid talking to a vendor or provider who can make an intelligent person feel inadequate in about thirty seconds.The entire industry, from manufacturers to service providers to equipment vendors is to blame for this confusion. Maybe I should add consultants to the list, although I do my best to speak EnglisRosetta Stone Language Software
h. I have seen clients eyes glaze over after a five-minute conversation with a vendor who throws acronyms such as GUI, ISDN, T-1, PRI and IP around like they were throwing rice at a new bride. Thats why I try to use the most basic language possible when discussing a clients telephony needs.Of course, I do come across those IT people who know their telephony inside out. Thats when its my eyes that glaze over. At that point I say: wait a minute, explain what you just said.Thats the key to figuring out what your needs are and what you need to do with your equipment to achieve your objectives. You have to be able to say to the person you are talking to that you want them to slow down and explain everything in laymans terms instead of falling into acro-speak (my own little potato in the pot.) Its so easy for people in the telecom industry they dont even realize they are doing it.With VoIP being the biggest advancement in telephony since the tin cans connected by string I thought it would be helpful to explain a few acronyms so you can toss them around and impress your bridge club. VoIP, or Voice over Internet Protocol, is the process of your voice goRosetta Stone Spanish
ing over the Internet instead of telephone lines. (Why Internet Protocol is the term used is beyond me.)Your words are broken up into little packets and shipped to the destination (the person you are talking to) where the packets are put back together into the words you spoke. This used to be a problem because the packets sometimes arrived in the wrong order and mumbo-jumbo was heard by the other end. This is pretty well a non-issue now. GUI, pronounced gooey is what I describe as point and click on your desktop. The desktop can show where everybody is and what they are doing; such as in a meeting, on the phone, on vacation, gone for lunch and so on. You dial by clicking on the persons name.By using a headset and the computer speakers you dont even need a telephone set. This is another application used in conjunction with GUI known as a Softphone. You can see how a laptop combined with a softphone enables your office to be wherever you happen to be. Its one more big advantage for voice over the Internet. Its a very useful application, something in todays vernacular that would be called cool.T-1 is a digital transmission link containing two pairs of twisted copper wires, one for sending and one for receiving. Or it could contain fibre optic lines. If you have a bunch of local lines it is cheaper to have a T-1 line from the provider to your telephone system. PRI is another term that is synonymous with T-1. Telecom purists would Learn English
say I am oversimplifying but you get the idea. Theres a lot more to this but in a lot of cases it is a money saver for many companies as well as providing better and more features.A Hosted IP PBX is having voice over the Internet but somebody else owns the switch (PBX system). It is located off site, maintained by whoever owns it and the company pays a monthly fee to the owner. There are advantages and disadvantages, much the same as leasing a vehicle. It requires a needs analysis to decide the best way to go.Voice over the Internet (lets call it VI) blends voice, video and data by specifying a common conduit collapsing three networks into one. The result is increased manageability, lower support costs, and a lot of new features resulting in increased productivity. Possible applications for VI telephony include telecommuting, distance learning, employee training, video conferencing, video mail, and video on demand. Oh, and lets not forget our GUI.There are many more acronyms, in fact way too many, but we will touch on some of them another day.Article Source: articlesnatchAbout the Author:John Campbell is a Strategic-Partner with Schooley Mitchell Telecom Consultants, North Americas largest independent telecom consulting company.john.campbell@schooleymitchell(902) 435-4578schooleymitchell jcampbellTags: telecommunications , business , unified communications


Classification Of Contingent Pay For Individuals

There are many different forms of PRP and in the early 1990s they have become more commonplace. In the context of performance management the most prevalent form of the PRP seems to be individual merit and performance-related systems based on some form of appraisal or assessment of the individual using various input or output indicators. They often involve a payment which is integrated into the basic salary (Kessler 1994).Heneman (1992) reported that a number of studies have shown a relationship between performance ratings and changes in pay. That is higher performance ratings are associated with higherRosetta Stone Language Learning
increase in merit pay. In other words, there is some evidence to suggest that organizations are able to relate PRP to past performance, and to this extent it is possible that the reward function of PRP is being satisfied. However, Heneman notes that The magnitude of the relationship between pay and performance in these studies in not large. (1992). Association is not strong, in other words, pointing to the possible impact of other factors, which may affect merit pay decisions. For example, PRP guidelines may serve as a constraint, thus reinforcing the impression that the name of the game is control of the wage bill (Milkovich 1992).Fletcher and Williams in their part of the IPM (1992) survey also gathered opinions about PRP, both from HR and line managers. They have discrepant views about PRP.In the interviews with the HR and line representatives of the organization visited, there was little Learn English Online
consistency of viewpoint on the motivating power of money. The majority felt that the real motivators at management levels were professional and personal pride in the standards achieved. On the other hand, there were those who believed that money was the prime factor in motivating improved performance. An example of the latter view came from the personnel department of a large retail organization; however, they saw matters differently. As one of them said, he was self-motivated the money came as a result of that, not as the cause of it (Institute of Personnel Management 1992: 117).Money can solve all the problems is a wrong opinion, there is growing sentiment for letting workers choose their own blend of reward from the 13 I note on the Exhibit 1.3. We may be overpaying in cash and missing the opportunity to let employees construct both a more satisfying and less expensive reward package. Rosetta Stone English
Known as cafeteria compensation, this idea is based on the notion of different reward having different dollar costs associated with them. Armed with a fixed sum of money, employees move down the line, buying more or less of the 13 rewards as their needs dictate. While widespread use of this type of system may be a long time in the future, the cafeteria approaches still under cross the need for integration of rewards in compensation design. What do we really mean by contribution related pay and how is it different from PRP? What are the key building blocks? What do you have to do to get this right? This is a new concept in contingent pay design, which links pay both to performance, as measured by results, and competence. Paying for contribution will be the most popular method of rewarding managers and staff. Such an approach reflects a general dissatisfaction with flat rate market rises but it also reflects problems experienced with pay progression linked solely to individual performance (outputs) with no appreciation of how they are achieved, and with progression exclusively linked to skills or competencies (inputs) with no recognition of results. Most private sector white collar management pay systems link progression to results, the use of skills behaviors (competences competencies) and market movement we used to call it a mixed model (Armstrong 2002).Article Source: articlesnatchAbout the Author:Jeffrey Smith was born in New York City in 1984. He has spent more than 5 years studying at New York University. He was always ineterested why students turn in plagiarized papers. Finally he found a solution of this problem - he invented his own free plagiarism detection system that helps people to avoid plagiarism.Tags: management , staff management , human resources management , HRM , employee performance , management essay , custom essay , essay


What Is Your Asia Strategy For The Global Customer Base?

Something new happened in mid-2006 five out of the top ten websites listed by Alexa (based on traffic for the previous three months) were Asian. Four of those were Chinese.This is hardly surprising, given roughly half the world's population lives on the planet's largest continent. By percentage, however, they remain a relatively new force, one whose online presence will only continue to grow as more people gain Web access.One interesting side note is that most of the Chinese sites also are available in English; some have even enabled phonetic search entries using English letters rather than Chinese characters. Rosetta Stone Language Software
This could be recognition of English as the lingua franca of the Internet or perhaps those webmasters are simply taking the lead in website internationalization.While the dominance of Internet English has encouraged millions to learn or enhance their knowledge of it, anyone truly seeking a global customer base must find a way to provide their sites whatever the original language in at least two and perhaps five of the most common languages.Today that is largely done with machine translation, which is far from perfect and can lead to serious misunderstandings. But the vast majority of netrepreneurs are small shops without the resources to hire human translators; without a multilingual site, however, they are leaving money on the table and millions of potential customers in the dark.According to various industry sources: Web users are four times more likely to purchase from a site that communicates in the customer's language (idc) More than 100 million people access the Internet in a language other than English More than half of all Web users speak a native language other than English (glreach) Visitors stay twice as long if a website is in their own language (Forrester Research)While there are a lot of claims made for the accuracy and efficiency of machine translation, most experts agree the current state-of-the-art at least, for public use on websites at affordable rates Rosetta Stone Spanish
is about 70 percent. That means nearly one-third of everything on a website will be mistranslated, with a fairly predictable result.Which is not to say webmasters should completely reject machine translation. If an accurate human translation is beyond the budget, finding and applying the best machine translation available still puts that site well ahead of one that is available only in a single language.For one thing, someone seeing it in his or her native language can probably figure out most of what is intended; perhaps more important, it demonstrates the owner of that site cares enough to make the effort. And appreciation for that could well translate into customers and subscribers who otherwise might never have seen the site, much less stayed.Webmasters should not assume that a human translation, no matter how expensive, is going to be a perfect solution, either. Many companies offering these services are based in countries where labor is cheap and the translator almost certainly is not fully fluent in both languages involved.Which is not to say that person does not, in fact, have a good command of the non-native language in question, just that it requires years of reading, writing and interacting with native speakers to fully understand the intricacies of any language.This is perhaps most obvious in observing the difficulties natives from different Spanish-speaking nations often have in understanding each other. For that matter, the same can be said of those who speak English as their native tongue, but with cultural, national or regional differences. Americans from the Deep South and from the New York Bronx have been known to stare at each other in complete lack of understanding as local slang and accents make the other's English practically a foreign language.The obvious source for translation services human and machine is the search engine. Learn English
What a search engine will not provide, however, is any indication of how accurate either service may be. The only proof there will be to request a sample translation then take it to someone who is fluent in that language and ask for a list of other sites using their service (then e-mail those webmasters for feedback).With the rise of the global Internet, the world has truly become decidedly smaller in little more than a decade, to a far greater extent than the previous changes brought on by aircraft, radio and television. And due to the dominance of English-speaking nations in those areas as well as movies and the Internet itself there has been a tendency, even among those who pride themselves on being at least bilingual, to assume everyone online understands English. And, more often than not, American colloquial English.While that is truer today than at any other time in history more true than with any previous language in history those truly seeking to reach the world with their message or product need to take a wider view. In many cases, perhaps most, that does not mean providing for a host of translations; two or even three carefully chosen languages, may be enough to reach more than 90 percent of the target audience. Each webmaster or site owner will need to make that judgment.Nor does this apply only to the majority of sites now displayed only in English. It also is true for those written in Chinese, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Swahili, French, Italian, German or Outback Aussie.As the Internet continues to expand into more and more homes and businesses around the world, the need for multi-lingual websites will become more and more prominent. And the opportunities for companies providing solid translation services and for individuals with true multi-lingual fluency will grow along with it.Article Source: articlesnatchAbout the Author:Dr. Deepak Dutta is the creator of semanticbay - a social network site for article authors. His other website classifiedsforfree - is one of the oldest online classifieds site.Tags: online marketing , classifieds , asian internet

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link it to AR Invoice Inventory Item or Service Line, for example). In our example, let's try to be moderate and give you just simple example, we would like to create Non-Inventory Item Monthly Cost table, which is No Object. Give it the name, description, and then Tools-> Customization Tools->User Defined Fields Management, expand User Tables, highlight Non Inventory Item Monthly Cost and click Add: Add Year, Month and Cost fields (feel free to apply your judging on the type). Now, let's enter the rows into newly defined table. User Defined Windows, select your newly created table and feel free to enter data there. rosetta stone online
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Serving ERP and MRP community since 1994, local service in Chicago, Houston, San Diego, Atlanta. Information portal: pegasplanet We serve you USA and Canada nationwide from our SAP Business One call center: California, Illinois, New York, Florida, Minnesota, New Jersey, North and South Carolina, Georgia, LouisianaTags: SAP Business One


They are always sufferers al waysplagued by

one problem or the other. Even if they achieve successthey have to pay a heavy price for it. "Success exacts a heavy price"is true of them.Aquarians are generally isolated people. They are loners wantingto move away from this madding crowd. They always feel that justiceis denied to them.In Astrology Aquarius is the rosetta stone online
only sign not okayed by the Masters.But despite this it has many plus points.Great patience and perseverance are exhibited by the people bornunder the influence of this number. Stoicism fortitude and indifferenceare the virtues accruing from it.Regarding health these people always are subjected to unknowndiseases. They are also subjected to thoughts of melancholy. Anaemiamental tension backache headache and eye troubles are common.Fruits and medicinal leaves best suited for them are spinach andocimum sanctum( sweet basil). They gain a lot due to electric therapyand hypnotism. They should renounce high cholesterol containingstuffs like meat and eggs. They should guard against diseases duringthe months of January Febraury August July September. They mayexperience changes in health during the ages of 13 22 31 40 49 58and 67.Negative Aspect---------------You may be prone to anger as Rahu is an incendiary planet. Anger issaid to be man's greatest enemy. If you destroy anger, you becomethe " Self-Actualising Person of Abraham Maslow living in the widestpossible frame of reference."Mantra---------Ardhakayam MahaveeramChandradithya VimardhanamSimhika Garbha SambhootamTham Rahum pranamamyahamThis mantra if recited 108 times daily can confer longevity and fortune.This is the moola Sloka of Rahu.In Vedic Gemology, Rahu represents Hessonite. Wearing this stoneon a Shukla Paksha Saturday ( fifteen days after the New Moon ) will enhancethe luck of the Fourians. The Sanskrit text, The Jataka Chandrika assignsHessonite to Rahu .More information about Planetary Gemology Rosetta Stone Arabic
a FREE Gem PrescriptionReport can be had from astrologiavedica html planetarygemology.htmIn Transcendental Philosophy the Number Four is considered very sacred.Transcendental Consciousness is known as the Fourth or Tureeya.Transcending the three relative states of Consciousness - the waking,the dreaming and the dreamless sleep - is the Divine TranscendentalConsciousness which can be experienced via Yoga. In Yogic Psychologythe fourth element of the Mind is the Superconscious Mind ( the other threebeing Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious). The Superconsciousis the foundation of the Mind and not the Subconscious as believed bymodern psychologists.The Indian sages talked about the Fourfold Veds. Yogas are Four!In Western Astrology The Fourth House is the IC , the Imum Coeli, animportant house. This, they say, is the source of the Learn Greek
SubconsciousMind.Mythologic StoryOne powerful demon drank the nectar of Immortality. This was reportedby the Sun and the Moon to Lord Vishnu. He used the divine discus andcut the demon into two. The head of the demon became Rahu and thetail Ketu known as Caput Draconis and Cauda Draconis in Latin.Astronomical symbology has it that Vishnu is the orbit of the earth knownas the Ecliptic and the demons, the North South Nodes of the Moon.In his book " De Sapientia Vaterum " ( The Wisdom of the Ancients ) ,Bacon opined that scientific truths are contained in myths!In the next article we will deal with the Fivians - who are ruled by theNumber Five and by Mercury, the intellectual planet known as Hermesin Grecian Mythology and Budha in Indian Mythology.Article Source: articlesnatchAbout the Author:Article by G Kumar, Astrologer, writer programmer of eastrovedica. Recently he was awarded a Certificate by the Planetary Gemologists Association Global ( p-g-a.org ) as a Planetary Gem Advisor. He has 25 years psychic research experience in the esoteric arts. To subscribe to his free informative Ezine, the Z Files mailto:info@eastrovedica?subject=SubscribeZF. His Astro blog is up at zodiacastrology.blogspot his Philosophy blog is transcendentalphilosophy.blogspot Mobile 091 9388556053Tags: astrology , astronomy , vedic , astrology software , astrology consultancy , numerology software , gemology software


8 Essentials Tips Regarding E-commerce Shopping Carts

The World Wide Web is a competitive field and e-commerce websites need to be competitive to be ahead and make a success of the business. The way to attract and retain customers and build a loyalty base is to be internet savvy and follow all the basic must dos of e-commerce websites.Any online website is successful if it gives a customer what they want, good timely service, Rosetta Stone
quality goods, fair price, and commendable cyber business practices. So work hard towards stocking goods that are of the highest quality and priced competitively. Have in place an excellent marketing team and customer service department that will answer 24 7 all customer queries.Make a success of your online business venture by following the 8 essential rules for shopping carts: 1. Study your business minutely and choose a shopping cart system that will fulfill all your needs. Choose a software that is affordable, gives value for money and is sure friendly.2. Once the system is installed check its response time and effectiveness. Fine tune the system such that customers can make purchases from the website without encountering any shopping cart glitches.3. Be clear about who you are. Give details of your contact information, incorporation, security measures, return policies and so on. Give address, phone and fax number, toll free number if any as well as e-mail address.4. Display clearly your privacy policy as well as security seal. Ensure that there a link to the privacy page from every page of the website.5. Be clear about the Rosetta Stone Spanish
websites return policy. A customer must know what his rights are in case of any problem. Clear and visible return and warranty information will contribute greatly towards building a reputation.6. Design the whole site keeping customer needs in mind. Take expert help in arranging displays and organizing discounts or special offers.This will also facilitate use of a shopping cart.7. Use online shopping cart organization tips to arrange navigation and information in such a way that it is user friendly. Put in drop down lists as well as links back to product at every possible stage.8. Ensure that the shopping cart organizes lists of products in such a way that a buyer can always understand what he bought when. Include lucid product descriptions and product reviews. Think what will urge a customer to buy a product from you and not others.Give customers various payment options like, person to person services, third party payments, debit and credit card payments, as well as merchant account credit cards. Tell the customer how to shop, what a shopping cart is for, and how to maximize his or her online shopping experience. Build a loyaRosetta Stone French
customer base by including easy to navigate tools and as few click through as possible. State your reliability by displaying your security seal, merchant association details and so on.Build a roaring online business by maximizing use of the shopping cart.Article Source: articlesnatchAbout the Author:Arthur Raise is a writer for Ecommerce Shopping Cart , the premier website to find shopping cart software online, shopping cart software, best shopping cart, shopping cart, shopping cart program, free shopping cart software, free shopping cart, shopping cart solution, online shopping cart, web site shopping cart and many more.Tags: shopping cart , shopping cart program , shopping cart software


Why There Are No Female Versions Of The Outsiders Or Catcher In The Rye

It's rare that a story featuring an adolescent girl is considered a "classic" novel. Sure, there are tons of books that star teenage girls. They get made into television series like Gossip Girl or movie franchises like the Sisterhood of Travelling Pants or The Princess Diaries. There's nothing wrong with any of those shows or movies, of course, but they are certainly considered "girlie" programs and are clearly intended for a female, adolescent audience.It's unlikely that the Gossip Girl or Princess Diaries novels will ever be considered required reading for any grade level, learn english
nor that Scholastic or some other educational publishing house will ever create teacher resources for Teaching the Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants Books." That's fine. Not all books are designed to be taught in schools or to stand the test of time.However, several novels featuring adolescent boys are required reading at the high school and even college levels. It's not uncommon at all. The Catcher in the Rye, which features possibly the most unlikeable teenage male protagonist of all time, Holden Caulfield, is standard in just about any high school English classroom in America.Just to be clear, Rosetta Stone Japanese
this is not an argument that the Gossip Girl or Travelling Pants books are the same level of quality as the Catcher in the Rye. Clearly, J.D. Salinger was a talented writer and his works do have an important place in the American literary canon. It makes sense that they are taught in schools, and for whatever reason, it seems like reading the story of the almost impossibly smug and immature Holden Caulfield is an important aspect of the traditional American high school educational experience. Great. It's just that, books written about teenage women are generally written for other teenage women to read. For whatever reason, it's uncommon to read a coming-of-age novel about an adolescent American female that's not considered a fluffy or "girly" book.Sure there's Charlotte Bronte's classic Jane Eyre and the complete works of Jane Austen, which features the plights of young women almost exclusively, but these novels are written in other countries, and other centuries. There's really no female equivalent for The Catcher in the Rye or even The Outsiders. It's almost impossible to imagine aRosetta Stone Italian
female equivalent of The Outsiders. A novel written about the trials and tribulations of a group of teenage women in that time period would probably have been dismissed as frivolous from the get-go. Reviewers may have called it "Judy Blume in a leather jacket" or something else insultingly dismissive.Again, this is no criticism of The Outsiders. It's another beautiful book, with far less hate-able adolescent men than The Catcher in the Rye, to boot. The incorporation of Robert Frost's poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" was truly ingenious, and characters like Pony Boy are the reason this country forces its teenagers to read fiction in the first place. It would just be nice if teenage girls in those high school classes could see more stories about women their age in the required reading.

The Traveler's Planner For The Dental Tourist

Traveling to a new country can be exciting and a bit scary at the same time. There is so much to do before you leave that it may seem a bit stressful. Traveling on a dental holiday is no different.Traveling for your dental holiday it is not like a normal vacation where you just toss some clothing in your suitcase and you're ready to go. Since you are going to have a dental procedure done, you want to be prepared before you step on the plane.To help assist you in taking your dental holiday, I've create a summary of the very important chapter, "The complete traveler planner for the dental tourist" from the ebook "Thailand Dental Holidays"Although there is a list of over 20 things you need to be sure to bring along before your trip, here are some of the ones on the top of the list 1- You will want to bring your existing dental x-rays from your local dentist. If you prefelearn french
to pack light and not have to worry about carrying these, be sure to email these to the dental office.2- Visit your local dentist for an assessment. Do this as a "just in case". You probably won't have to worry about this too much if you do your research locating a credible dental office, however some dentists will try to up-sell you on unneeded procedures. To protect yourself from this, attain a detailed description of the needed procedure from your local dentist.3- Confirmation. Make sure you confirm everything a couple of days before your flight. Call the dental office in Thailand to make sure the appointment is still on. Contact your flight and hotel for the same reason. A few simple phone calls can save you a lot of stress down the road.4- Copy all travel documents. Make two copies of all your travel documents and give one set to your family or friendsRosetta Stone Greek
. Be sure this includes your airline ticket, passport, hotel reservations, etc... When traveling abroad, it is a good idea to make sure someone back home knows your itinerary with contact phone numbers for your hotel and dental clinic.5- Money. Bring a few different forms of currency. Bring your local currency, attain some Thai Baht from your local bank. Also, be sure to bring one or two credit cards just incase of an emergency. You don't want to be abroad with no access to your money if you find something you want to buy.6- You'll find mixed feeling on this next subject, travel insurance. For me, this is a must. The chances are low, but if something does happen, you don't want to be abroad with no medical insurance. The cost of international medical insurance is relatively cheap and well worth it. 7- Expensive Jewelry. It is very rare, but sometimes Rosetta Stone Portuguese
people open their bags and find items missing. For this reason, I always recommend leaving expensive jewelry and family heirlooms at home. If you can't go without your watch or necklaces, there is probably great shopping around and it's always fun coming back with a few presents for yourself.8- Local language dictionary. Most of the places you'll go for your dental holiday will probably speak pretty good English. However, I think half the fun of traveling is seeing a new culture and learning a few new words. For this reason, I bring a little translation dictionary with me. Most dictionaries will have a section with the top ten words you'll need. These are easy to remember and fun to use. Remember, this isn't just a trip to the dentist you are embarking on, this is a new experience. Have fun with it!