
The Traveler's Planner For The Dental Tourist

Traveling to a new country can be exciting and a bit scary at the same time. There is so much to do before you leave that it may seem a bit stressful. Traveling on a dental holiday is no different.Traveling for your dental holiday it is not like a normal vacation where you just toss some clothing in your suitcase and you're ready to go. Since you are going to have a dental procedure done, you want to be prepared before you step on the plane.To help assist you in taking your dental holiday, I've create a summary of the very important chapter, "The complete traveler planner for the dental tourist" from the ebook "Thailand Dental Holidays"Although there is a list of over 20 things you need to be sure to bring along before your trip, here are some of the ones on the top of the list 1- You will want to bring your existing dental x-rays from your local dentist. If you prefelearn french
to pack light and not have to worry about carrying these, be sure to email these to the dental office.2- Visit your local dentist for an assessment. Do this as a "just in case". You probably won't have to worry about this too much if you do your research locating a credible dental office, however some dentists will try to up-sell you on unneeded procedures. To protect yourself from this, attain a detailed description of the needed procedure from your local dentist.3- Confirmation. Make sure you confirm everything a couple of days before your flight. Call the dental office in Thailand to make sure the appointment is still on. Contact your flight and hotel for the same reason. A few simple phone calls can save you a lot of stress down the road.4- Copy all travel documents. Make two copies of all your travel documents and give one set to your family or friendsRosetta Stone Greek
. Be sure this includes your airline ticket, passport, hotel reservations, etc... When traveling abroad, it is a good idea to make sure someone back home knows your itinerary with contact phone numbers for your hotel and dental clinic.5- Money. Bring a few different forms of currency. Bring your local currency, attain some Thai Baht from your local bank. Also, be sure to bring one or two credit cards just incase of an emergency. You don't want to be abroad with no access to your money if you find something you want to buy.6- You'll find mixed feeling on this next subject, travel insurance. For me, this is a must. The chances are low, but if something does happen, you don't want to be abroad with no medical insurance. The cost of international medical insurance is relatively cheap and well worth it. 7- Expensive Jewelry. It is very rare, but sometimes Rosetta Stone Portuguese
people open their bags and find items missing. For this reason, I always recommend leaving expensive jewelry and family heirlooms at home. If you can't go without your watch or necklaces, there is probably great shopping around and it's always fun coming back with a few presents for yourself.8- Local language dictionary. Most of the places you'll go for your dental holiday will probably speak pretty good English. However, I think half the fun of traveling is seeing a new culture and learning a few new words. For this reason, I bring a little translation dictionary with me. Most dictionaries will have a section with the top ten words you'll need. These are easy to remember and fun to use. Remember, this isn't just a trip to the dentist you are embarking on, this is a new experience. Have fun with it!

