
They are always sufferers al waysplagued by

one problem or the other. Even if they achieve successthey have to pay a heavy price for it. "Success exacts a heavy price"is true of them.Aquarians are generally isolated people. They are loners wantingto move away from this madding crowd. They always feel that justiceis denied to them.In Astrology Aquarius is the rosetta stone online
only sign not okayed by the Masters.But despite this it has many plus points.Great patience and perseverance are exhibited by the people bornunder the influence of this number. Stoicism fortitude and indifferenceare the virtues accruing from it.Regarding health these people always are subjected to unknowndiseases. They are also subjected to thoughts of melancholy. Anaemiamental tension backache headache and eye troubles are common.Fruits and medicinal leaves best suited for them are spinach andocimum sanctum( sweet basil). They gain a lot due to electric therapyand hypnotism. They should renounce high cholesterol containingstuffs like meat and eggs. They should guard against diseases duringthe months of January Febraury August July September. They mayexperience changes in health during the ages of 13 22 31 40 49 58and 67.Negative Aspect---------------You may be prone to anger as Rahu is an incendiary planet. Anger issaid to be man's greatest enemy. If you destroy anger, you becomethe " Self-Actualising Person of Abraham Maslow living in the widestpossible frame of reference."Mantra---------Ardhakayam MahaveeramChandradithya VimardhanamSimhika Garbha SambhootamTham Rahum pranamamyahamThis mantra if recited 108 times daily can confer longevity and fortune.This is the moola Sloka of Rahu.In Vedic Gemology, Rahu represents Hessonite. Wearing this stoneon a Shukla Paksha Saturday ( fifteen days after the New Moon ) will enhancethe luck of the Fourians. The Sanskrit text, The Jataka Chandrika assignsHessonite to Rahu .More information about Planetary Gemology Rosetta Stone Arabic
a FREE Gem PrescriptionReport can be had from astrologiavedica html planetarygemology.htmIn Transcendental Philosophy the Number Four is considered very sacred.Transcendental Consciousness is known as the Fourth or Tureeya.Transcending the three relative states of Consciousness - the waking,the dreaming and the dreamless sleep - is the Divine TranscendentalConsciousness which can be experienced via Yoga. In Yogic Psychologythe fourth element of the Mind is the Superconscious Mind ( the other threebeing Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious). The Superconsciousis the foundation of the Mind and not the Subconscious as believed bymodern psychologists.The Indian sages talked about the Fourfold Veds. Yogas are Four!In Western Astrology The Fourth House is the IC , the Imum Coeli, animportant house. This, they say, is the source of the Learn Greek
SubconsciousMind.Mythologic StoryOne powerful demon drank the nectar of Immortality. This was reportedby the Sun and the Moon to Lord Vishnu. He used the divine discus andcut the demon into two. The head of the demon became Rahu and thetail Ketu known as Caput Draconis and Cauda Draconis in Latin.Astronomical symbology has it that Vishnu is the orbit of the earth knownas the Ecliptic and the demons, the North South Nodes of the Moon.In his book " De Sapientia Vaterum " ( The Wisdom of the Ancients ) ,Bacon opined that scientific truths are contained in myths!In the next article we will deal with the Fivians - who are ruled by theNumber Five and by Mercury, the intellectual planet known as Hermesin Grecian Mythology and Budha in Indian Mythology.Article Source: articlesnatchAbout the Author:Article by G Kumar, Astrologer, writer programmer of eastrovedica. Recently he was awarded a Certificate by the Planetary Gemologists Association Global ( p-g-a.org ) as a Planetary Gem Advisor. He has 25 years psychic research experience in the esoteric arts. To subscribe to his free informative Ezine, the Z Files mailto:info@eastrovedica?subject=SubscribeZF. His Astro blog is up at zodiacastrology.blogspot his Philosophy blog is transcendentalphilosophy.blogspot Mobile 091 9388556053Tags: astrology , astronomy , vedic , astrology software , astrology consultancy , numerology software , gemology software

